
Friday, January 4, 2013

100 Book Challenge for 2013

Okay! So 2013 is going to be the year that I finally reach my goal of reading 100 books within one year. In the past, I only counted "fun" reads but this year I decided that it wouldn't be cheating if I include the books I read for work as well.

To be honest, I enjoy non-fiction so why not? The books I read as a school counselor, behavioral specialist, and special education consultant may be of interest to some of you out there in blog land anyway!

If you want to take a peek at some of the books I read for work, head on over to my professional blog: The Helpful Counselor and check them out. You may be interested in 29 Books to End Bullying or 10 Great Books That Can Help an Angry Child .

I have several...okay maybe close to 50 (or so) books, okay maybe closer to 75 books that I have collected and have vowed to read before bringing any more into the house.

One of my favorite things to do as a book addict is to discover a series of books after several (hopefully the whole series) has been published. I'm impatient and waiting for the next installment in a series is a cruel form of torture, such as Game of Thrones. I love the series but the waiting is, well a cruel form of torture.

So as I yearn for the next installment of the Game of Thrones, I will my horde of books. Maybe I'll find a few new favorites that leave me begging for more...

Follow me to follow my progress and hopefully we'll discover a few more gems!

What do you like to read? Fiction? Non-Fiction?

Happy Reading!

Check out the Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin; they are amazing!


1 comment:

London said...

"Adventures with Buster" is a children's book that will entertain and educate readers about guide dogs and blindness. I am legally blind, and my guide dog, Buster, and I have been a team for over two years. "Adventures with Buster" is my first book in which I share experiences we have had together. I would like to send you a copy of the book for you to review. Please let me know if you are willing to do so. Thank you for your consideration. London Lake Pickett

PS This is the first in a series..."Vacations with Buster" is next!